Alberto Guerrero

Nacido en Barcelona en 1975, Alberto Guerrero es historiador del arte y restaurador de pintura de carrera. Tras once años como restaurador de pintura de caballete y mural para importantes colecciones e iglesias, reenfoca su carrera a la creación artística.

Su trabajo se ha expuesto desde 2004 en salas de España y Europa, donde sus obras forman parte de distintas colecciones particulares e institucionales. Reside y trabaja en Madrid.

En su discurso plástico, Guerrero juega con contrastes de color y texturas aplicados en capas sucesivas, intentando reflejar que toda historia está formada por estratos que cuentan en lo que se percibe a simple vista. El artista busca siempre un foco de luz, a veces central y otras desplazado, que sugiere que tras las capas se esconde una presencia misteriosa que da sentido a la realidad.

Born in Barcelona in 1975, Alberto Guerrero is BA both in Art History and Painting Restoration and Conservation. After eleven years working as a paint restorer for important private collections, he refocuses his work on artistic creation.

He has been exhibited since 2004 in Europe and Spain, where his work is part of different private and public collections. He works and lives in Madrid.

In his work, Guerrero uses color contrast and textures applied in successive layers, as a way to express that every history is formed by many facts that we may not see but definitely count on what is perceived from outside. He often searches for a light source, sometimes in the centre and others displaced, suggesting that behind any reality there is a mysterious, hidden presence that gives real meaning to it.

Solo exhibitions

2024 Galería Viridian, Madrid.
2023 Espacio Garaje Lola, Madrid
2022 Cultural Hub Galileo, Madrid.
2021 Espacio Garaje Lola, Madrid.
2019 Cultural Hub La Despernada, Madrid.
2019 Espacio Encuentro, Madrid.
2019 Majadahonda Cultural Hub, Madrid.
2018 Madrid Meeting.
2018 Espacio Volturno, Pozuelo, Madrid.
2018 UBS Bank, Madrid.
2016 Mercedes Urquijo gallery, Madrid.
2014 Association of Civil Engineers, Madrid.
2012 Espacio Pepe Pisa, Madrid.
2011 Open House Painting, Madrid.
2009 EME04 gallery, Madrid.
2006 Madrid Congress Center.
2004 Aramburu Palace, Tolosa, Guipúzcoa.

Fairs and group exhibitions

2024 Vivo. Palacio Arzobispal, Toledo.
2024 Antik Passion Almoneda, Madrid.
2023 Antik Passion Almoneda, Madrid.
2023 San José, esposo, padre, santo. Toledo.
2022-23 Ella, Espacio O Lumen, Madrid.
2022 Estampa Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid.
2022 Antik Passion Almoneda, Madrid.
2022 Art Madrid, Madrid.
2021 Estampa Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid.
2021 Antik Passion Almoneda, Madrid.
2020 Espacio Mados, Madrid.
2020 Eversheds, Sutherland, Nicea, Madrid.
2017 Lucía Mendoza gallery, Madrid.
2017 XXXVII National Meetings of Cultural Heritage, Pamplona.
2016 Lucía Mendoza gallery, Madrid.
2015 Lucía Mendoza gallery, Madrid.
2010 KunStart, Bolzano, Italy.
2010 VillaMassoury, Villefranche Sur Mer, France.
2010 Lineart, Gante, Belgium.
2009 Lineart, Gante, Belgium.
2009 Open Art, Utrecht, Netherlands.


2022 2nd. Prize winner of XXI Certamen Cultural “Virgen de las Viñas” in the painting category. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real.